The Wimborne Town Crier - Self Directed Project

A very warm hello to my friends, followers and blog observers...This blog is to record, showcase, and share my work and learning processes throughout my 'Self Directed Project'. For this project I have been asked by Chris Brown the Wimborne Town Crier if I can realise an 18th Century design which will become his new crying costume as of June 2010. I will be sharing all my triumphs and challenges a long the way and self reflecting/evaluating as I go. Please view my attached learning agreement for more information on the project and what it is I aspire to achieve.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Post Submission Thoughts

So I handed the costume in for submission this morning and I am feeling really disappointed. I don't feel as if I could have worked any harder, 12hours at uni everyday this week is really catching up with me now and yet I don't feel as if I have progressed an awful lot. Thankfully all the lining is in (with the exception of the neckline of the frock coat being pinned in place at the moment) I think this has most definitely been my biggest challenge but I have learnt an awful lot and now appreciate just how much time and precision it takes to get the work done effectively. But seeing it on the stand unfinished knowing that it's going to be assessed like that is actually a very depressing thought. If there's one thing I've learned from this, it is that I really did underestimate the entire unit. I thought 9 weeks would be ample time to produce this work to a high standard, but oh how wrong I was. I do believe the work I have submitted now has been made to a good standard, I just need some peace of mind that my mark will reflect my endless efforts. So submission = a working progress, the end is near..I hope.

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