The Wimborne Town Crier - Self Directed Project

A very warm hello to my friends, followers and blog observers...This blog is to record, showcase, and share my work and learning processes throughout my 'Self Directed Project'. For this project I have been asked by Chris Brown the Wimborne Town Crier if I can realise an 18th Century design which will become his new crying costume as of June 2010. I will be sharing all my triumphs and challenges a long the way and self reflecting/evaluating as I go. Please view my attached learning agreement for more information on the project and what it is I aspire to achieve.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

18th Century Military Wear

Chris has informed Kelly and myself that he likes to have a military element to his costumes. Looking at 18th century military images it appears that the detail was quite simple but certain patterns made quite a bold statement. We shall refer to the research we have so far as well as collecting more throughout the project so that the idea is always fresh in our mind. We will consider military designs when looking for our costume decoration and fastenings.

The images below are those of early 18th century military wear, replicas, and modern day military fashion with historical influences that we have come across so far.

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