The Wimborne Town Crier - Self Directed Project

A very warm hello to my friends, followers and blog observers...This blog is to record, showcase, and share my work and learning processes throughout my 'Self Directed Project'. For this project I have been asked by Chris Brown the Wimborne Town Crier if I can realise an 18th Century design which will become his new crying costume as of June 2010. I will be sharing all my triumphs and challenges a long the way and self reflecting/evaluating as I go. Please view my attached learning agreement for more information on the project and what it is I aspire to achieve.

Friday, 30 April 2010

Decoration/Finishings consideration

Today we have been considering trimmings and braids for the costumes. I spoke to Katerina about where she purchased the trimmings for Chris's current costume and she recommended Fucotex to me. Kelly and I paid a visit to the costume archive to study the Fucotex files and samples. I liked nearly all of the trimmings they had available but one design in particular stood out the most as it was red white and gold and had a very striking pattern that I thought was quite symbolic when referring to military features. In contrast the design has a natural element to it with oak leaves. As Chris is a country side town crier, both Kelly and I agreed that this design was more than appropriate.
The design is wide and will really stand out on the centre front of the coat. It has a narrower option which will be ideal for the cuffs on the sleeves and even a matching design for pockets.
The images below are of the design I have chosen, I have sent the images to Chris and he has approved them happily.

The image below is the trim that Kelly has chosen for Eddie. We both agreed that his costume would need something different as he is so small. This white and gold design is a lot narrower and will highlight the detail in Chris's costume really well.

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