The Wimborne Town Crier - Self Directed Project

A very warm hello to my friends, followers and blog observers...This blog is to record, showcase, and share my work and learning processes throughout my 'Self Directed Project'. For this project I have been asked by Chris Brown the Wimborne Town Crier if I can realise an 18th Century design which will become his new crying costume as of June 2010. I will be sharing all my triumphs and challenges a long the way and self reflecting/evaluating as I go. Please view my attached learning agreement for more information on the project and what it is I aspire to achieve.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Hello Top Fabric

So Kelly and me found the perfect and less time consuming way to get all the patterns cut and it involved spreading all 6.5mts across 4 studio work benches. We managed to get all the pieces on with enough remainding for sleeves and cuffs. We've managed to get the grain lying correctly through all pieces...good thing we opted to get an extra half a metre.

Now the breeches pieces are cut with a little extra allowance just incase of shrinkage and ready to dye for a 4th time.

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